living room


In the dynamic realm of interior design, the year 2024 unfolds as a canvas of innovation, with G&E Interior Painting at the forefront of transformative trends. This article embarks on a journey through the nuances of interior painting, unraveling the distinctive touch that G&E brings to the palette of 2024.

Chromatic Chronicles:

In the kaleidoscope of 2024’s color trends, G&E Interior Painting introduces a chromatic opulence that transcends conventional norms. From the ethereal “Azure Radiance” to the sophisticated “Golden Eclat,” each hue is carefully curated to evoke emotions and elevate the aesthetic narrative of interior spaces. G&E’s color choices redefine the spectrum, bringing forth a harmonious blend of vibrancy and subtlety.

Texture Tapestry:

G&E Interior Painting embraces a texture tapestry that goes beyond the conventional. Venetian plaster with its tactile allure takes center stage, creating walls that beckon touch. Intricate techniques like “Lustrous Linen” and “Silken Veil” weave a narrative of sophistication, transforming interiors into immersive sensory experiences. G&E’s commitment to texture becomes a tactile signature that distinguishes their work in 2024.

Accent Wall Evolution:

In 2024, G&E Interior Painting redefines the accent wall, transcending it from a mere backdrop to a statement piece. Geometric precision meets artistic flair, as accent walls feature intricate patterns like “Quantum Quirk” and mural-inspired creations like “Celestial Sonata.” These accent walls aren’t just visual elements; they are artistic expressions that encapsulate the essence of G&E’s design philosophy.

Blue cosy living room
Welcome to a living room that whispers relaxation and invites you to unwind in style.

Metallic Infusion Unveiled:

G&E Interior Painting introduces a new era of opulence with a metallic infusion that captivates in 2024. From the subtle shimmer of “Moonlit Platinum” to the bold radiance of “Solar Bronze,” metallic finishes adorn walls, adding a touch of luxury and modernity. G&E’s mastery in metallic techniques becomes a hallmark of sophistication, transforming interiors into glistening works of art.

Cultural Collage:

2024 marks the year of a cultural collage, where G&E Interior Painting fuses diverse influences seamlessly. Vintage charm meets contemporary elegance, and global aesthetics intertwine in designs like “Nomadic Mosaic” and “Ethereal Odyssey.” Each stroke of the brush becomes a storyteller, narrating the rich tapestry of cultures that converge in G&E’s interior painting, creating spaces that resonate with diversity.


Sustainable Strokes Reimagined:

In harmony with the global call for sustainability, G&E Interior Painting reimagines sustainable strokes in 2024. The use of bio-based paints, recycled materials, and G&E’s innovative “EcoChroma” initiative marks a commitment to eco-friendly practices. Sustainability isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a brushstroke that colors the canvas of interior design with a conscientious touch.

living room


As we immerse ourselves in the evolving landscape of interior painting in 2024, G&E Interior Painting emerges not just as a service provider but as an artist, shaping spaces with a nuanced and visionary touch. The chromatic symphony, the textural richness, and the cultural amalgamation redefine the very essence of interior design. In 2024, G&E doesn’t just paint walls; they craft experiences, leaving an indelible mark on the canvas of contemporary living.


A Little History of Portstewart

Portstewart, known as Port Stíobhaird in Irish, is a captivating small town in County Londonderry, Northern Ireland, with a population of 7,854 according to the 2021 Census. Situated adjacent to Portrush, Portstewart is a picturesque seaside resort renowned for its charming harbor, scenic coastal paths, and the inviting two-mile beach known as Portstewart Strand. This stretch of coastline attracts holidaymakers in the summer and surfers throughout the year.


Portstewart’s roots as a popular holiday destination for Victorian middle-class families are evident in its long, crescent-shaped seafront promenade, sheltered by rocky headlands. Despite its modest size, the town is considered reasonably prosperous, particularly in the affluent Strand electoral ward, which ranks among the most prosperous areas in Northern Ireland. However, Portstewart grapples with certain pockets of deprivation, presenting a nuanced socio-economic landscape.

The town’s real estate market reflects its prosperity, with house prices consistently ranking among the highest in Northern Ireland. Notably, the North Coast region, encompassing Coleraine and Limavady, boasts property prices comparable to the affluent South Belfast, as revealed by the University of Ulster Quarterly House Price Index.

Portstewart prides itself on being one of the most integrated towns in Northern Ireland, fostering community relations that mirror the broader religious demographics of the region. Dominican College, a Catholic grammar school, is a prominent educational institution that contributes to the town’s inclusive spirit.


Founded in 1792 by John Cromie, who named it after his maternal ancestors, the Stewarts of Ballylesse, Portstewart’s history is deeply rooted in Irish heritage. A Lieutenant Stewart secured a lease of land in 1734 from the 5th Earl of Antrim, paving the way for the town’s development. Formerly known in Irish as Port na Binne Uaine, a name associated with the nearby island and townland of Benoney, the town retains this historical connection alongside its Gaelicized version, Port Stíobhaird.

Portstewart evolved into a modest seaside resort in the mid-19th century under the influence of local landlord John Cromie. The character of the town was significantly shaped by Sabbatarian sensitivities, leading to resistance against a railway connection in the mid-19th century.

Places of Interest:

Portstewart boasts architectural and natural treasures that contribute to its unique charm. A Dominican convent, originally “O’Hara’s Castle,” overlooks the town from a cliff, with the adjacent Dominican College serving as a center of education since its acquisition by the Dominican order in 1917.

The pristine Portstewart Strand, a two-mile blue flag beach protected by the National Trust, stretches west of the town. A cliff path beneath the convent offers panoramic views across the Strand and Downhill, with the Bann River flowing into the Atlantic Ocean at the Barmouth.

The iconic Portstewart Town Hall, completed in 1934, stands as a symbol of the town’s commitment to preserving its historical legacy.

In Portstewart, where coastal charm seamlessly blends with Victorian elegance, the streets and landmarks tell tales of resilience, transformation, and an enduring connection to the Irish landscape. Each layer of history invites both locals and visitors to explore the town’s rich narrative.

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